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Enjoy great service, with packages safely delivered to their destination

We are here to provide you with the best shipping solutions. We offer a variety of shipping services to suit your needs, with the guarantee that your packages will always arrive safely and on time at their destination.


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Enjoy great service, with packages safely delivered to their destination


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More than 100+ Categories

We are here to provide you with the best shipping solutions. We offer a variety of shipping services to suit your needs, with the guarantee that your packages will always arrive safely and on time at their destination.

More than 100+ Categories

We are here to provide you with the best shipping solutions. We offer a variety of shipping services to suit your needs, with the guarantee that your packages will always arrive safely and on time at their destination.

More than 100+ Categories

We are here to provide you with the best shipping solutions. We offer a variety of shipping services to suit your needs, with the guarantee that your packages will always arrive safely and on time at their destination.

Sinarmas Mining Values


They are acting according to words or promises to increase the trust of other parties.

Continuous improvement

Continuously improve the ability or capacity of oneself, work units, and organizations to achieve the best results.

Positive Attitude

Demonstrate behavior that supports the creation of a mutually respectful and conducive work environment.


Develop ideas or create new products/work tools/work systems that can increase productivity and company growth.


Carrying out work wholeheartedly to achieve the best results.


Instill a passion to understand, understand, and implement the Company’s core values.

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About Sinarmas Mining

iShop is present as a digital ecosystem that bridges the procurement process between users, vendors and the procurement team with the aim of making things easier for each party.

The procurement process on iShop is designed to provide an easy and enjoyable experience, similar to the general e-commerce shopping experience. iShop believes that the use of technology should bring convenience at every step, and that is what we strive for.

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iShop is present as a digital ecosystem that bridges the procurement process between users, vendors and the procurement team with the aim of making things easier for each party.

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